Mend Developer integrations are a paid bundle that augments Mend Core and includes four main capabilities:

  1. Mend Remediate - Continuously track repositories to identify vulnerable open source components and generate fix pull requests (PR) automatically thus automating the remediation process

  2. IDE Integrations - Alerts developers on vulnerable open source components while coding within the IDE UI so developers don’t have to switch between applications or wait until they’ve committed the code

  3. Repo Integration - A native integration detecting all open source components in the repos, providing alerts, enforcing compliance, failing builds and pull requests, and automating remediation guidance.

  4. Browser Integration (formerly called Web Advisor or Selection Tool) - A browser extension that allows developers to view a snapshot of a component’s details while browsing on web pages such as StackOverflow, Maven Central, GitHub and many more before they download it and incorporate it into the product.

By bundling these four products together, Mend enables software developers and their companies to more quickly adapt to today’s ever-evolving open source security environment as well as be equipped with the tools they need to work at the speed of business.