
You can manage access to any Mend Advise IDE integration through the use of a Mend license key. This key can be generated either by a Mend Admin via the Mend Application, or alternatively, by developers themselves if they have access to the Mend Application.

Generating License Keys

Generating a Global License Key

As a Mend admin, you can generate a license key that can be used by all your organization's developers in order to activate their Mend Advise installation.

Do as follows:

  1. Go to the Mend application, and in Integrate > Mend for Developers > Advise for IDE, click Generate License Key.

  2. Copy the license key and share it with your organization's relevant developers.

Enforcing Personal License Keys

As a Mend admin, you can enforce the use of personal (individually-used) license keys. However, this should only be enforced if all of your organization's developers have access to the Mend application.

Do as follows:

  1. Go to the Mend application, and select Integrate > Mend for Developers > Advise for IDE.

  2. Click the Enforce user level activation button. The Are you sure? popup is displayed.
    NOTE: This action is irreversible - the global license key will be disabled when clicking Yes.

  3. Click Yes.