Controlled WhiteSource Integration Release

This is a controlled WhiteSource integration release. For more information, please contact


Supported Bitbucket Products

This integration only supports Bitbucket Server and Bitbucket Data Center instances (this documentation applies to both services). It does not currently support Bitbucket Cloud instances.

WhiteSource for Bitbucket Server is a Bitbucket Server app, scanning your repositories, as part of your WhiteSource account.

It is an integrated product within Bitbucket Server that shows a high-level security overview in the Bitbucket repository, detects all open source components and displays all vulnerabilities for these components.

It generates comprehensive up-to-date reports on the Bitbucket Server ‘WhiteSource integration’ tab of the scanned repository. In addition, you will be able to view the scanned repositories in the WhiteSource portal.

WhiteSource for Bitbucket Server is part of WhiteSource Developer Integrations and includes continuous automated dependency updates with WhiteSource Remediate, using fix Pull Requests.


The following requirements must be accommodated before installing the WhiteSource server software.

Build Environment

This build environment can be the same one as the deployment environment on which the WhiteSource Docker image is deployed. It requires the following:

Hardware Requirements

Environment Requirements

docker –version

Target Environment

The image is installed on the target environment. This environment requires the following:

Hardware Requirements

Environment Requirements

docker –version

The access to the app can be checked by issuing an HTTP GET request using a web browser or a utility (e.g., cURL, wget):

It is recommended to verify that the returned status is 200 (OK).
This is only a validation URL. Access must be open for all paths and endpoints under the app’s subdomain.

User Steps on Build Machine

Prepare for Installation

Download the ‘tar.gz’ file (‘agent-4-bitbucket-<version>.tar.gz’) for Linux or 'zip' file Windows (‘agent-4-bitbucket-<version>.zip’)

Installation and Configuration

In Windows, extract ‘agent-4-bitbucket-<version>.zip’ to an empty folder. In Linux, extract ‘agent-4-bitbucket-<version>.tar.gz’ to an empty folder.  
The extraction creates the following items:

Modifying the Scanner Dockerfile

See here for more information on which package managers are part of the scanner image as well as how to add additional package managers.

Installing the WhiteSource App in Bitbucket Server

There are two ways to install the WhiteSource App in Bitbucket Server - by installing the app via the Atlassian marketplace for Bitbucket, or by uploading the JAR file directly from the extracted WhiteSource for Bitbucket folder. For Bitbucket Data Center only the second option is available at the moment.

Installing via the Atlassian Marketplace

Navigate to the Administration page (<your/bitbucket-server/url>:<port>/admin) and then click Find new apps under the ADD-ONS menu.

  1. In the search field, enter whitesource and press Enter. The WhiteSource App is displayed.

  2. Click Install.

Uploading the WhiteSource App JAR file

Navigate to the Administration page (<your/bitbucket-server/url>:<port>/admin) and then click Manage apps under the ADD-ONS menu.

  1. Click Upload app and select the JAR file located in the wss-bb-add-on folder.

  2. Click Upload.

Creating a Bitbucket WhiteSource user and generating a WhiteSource Activation Key

  1. Navigate to the Users page under the ACCOUNTS menu (<your/bitbucket-server/url>:<port>/admin/users) and create a new user for WhiteSource in your Bitbucket server and provide admin permissions to this user.

  2. Log in to your Bitbucket server with the new user.

  3. Login to the WhiteSource Application.

  4. Generate ‘activationKey’ in the Application by navigating to the 'Integrate' page. Expand the 'WhiteSource for Bitbucket Server' bar to view the following fields:

The displayed fields are the following:

Running the UI configuration tool from the ‘wss-configuration’ Directory

This editor enables you to configure the deployment file according to your specific configuration requirements. 

  1. Use the editor by opening the file index.html in 'wss-configuration' directory via a Chrome or Firefox Web browser. The ‘WhiteSource Configuration Editor’ page is then displayed:

  2. Load the template JSON configuration file by clicking the Choose File button and selecting the file located at config/prop.json. The editor page then changes its display to the following:

    On the left pane of the editor the different sections of the configuration are displayed. The main pane of the editor enables you to add/edit values to relevant parameters for the selected section. Note that many of the parameters already include default values.

          Please copy the Activation key that was generated in WhiteSource application and paste it to 'Activation Key' property in the editor.

  1. In order to configure the proxy settings, select the 'advanced properties' checkbox. Proxy fields that are not mandatory (e.g., user name and password) should be left blank.

  2. After you have finished editing, export the filled in configuration file by clicking the ‘Export’ button and saving the JSON file with the name prop.json in a different location. This file will be used when running the application.

Details on Attributes of the Configuration file







Sample Value


Activation Key




Your generated activation key in the WhiteSource application


HTTP Proxy Host

Host Address


HTTP proxy host. Leave blank to disable. Default value: Empty


HTTP Proxy Host




HTTP proxy port. Leave blank to disable. Default value: Empty


Proxy User




Proxy Username (if applicable)



Proxy Password




Proxy Password (if applicable)



Controller URL




The ability to modify the App container URL in case its default name (wss-bb-app) was modified. Default value: http://wss-bb-app:5678



Should Create Issues




The ability to globally enable/disable Issues creation across all of your organization's repositories. Default value: true 

(NOTE: Supported from version only)


Should Create Build Status




The ability to globally enable/disable build statuses across all of your organization's repositories. Default value: true 

(NOTE: Supported from version only)

You can export the JSON file at any time, even if you did not finish editing it in order to save your configurations and to enable assigning the configuration of a specific section to the appropriate professional in your organization (e.g., datasource section may be assigned to the DBA of your organization).

See also the ‘Configuring Deployment Settings’ section in this document.

Optional step: If you want to pull the images from another machine and run them as a container, push them to your Docker registry.  

Building and Tagging the Docker Images

There are three different ways of building the Docker images.

A total of 3 images will be built: wss-bb-app, wss-scanner, and wss-remediate.

1. Using an Executable Script File (Recommended)

Run the build.bat or executable script file (Windows/Linux).
Both files are located in the root of the extracted agent-4-bitbucket-<version>.zip or agent-4-bitbucket-<version>.tar.gz files.

For Windows:

Run build.bat file which is located in the main folder where you extracted the agent-4-bitbucket zip file.

In order to ensure that the build succeeded, run the command docker images and check if  wss-bb-app and wss-scanner and wss-remediate images were created.

For Linux:

Run file which is located in the main folder where you extracted the agent-4-bitbucket tar.gz file.

In order to ensure that the build succeeded, run the command docker images and check if  wss-bb-app and wss-scanner and wss-remediate images were created.

2. Manually Build the Images

To run the steps of the build file manually, run the following commands directly:

NOTE: If you have already run the build file, skip these steps and continue to Target machine: Running the Containers step.

docker build -t wss-bb-app:<version> wss-bb-app/docker
docker build -t wss-scanner:<version> wss-scanner/docker 
docker build -t wss-remediate:<version> wss-remediate/docker

# For example:
docker build -t wss-bb-app: wss-bb-app/docker
docker build -t wss-scanner: wss-scanner/docker
docker build -t wss-remediate:19.8.1 wss-remediate/docker

NOTE: From version 21.5.1, the Remediate Dockerfile supports both Ubuntu 18.04 and Ubuntu 20.04-compatible images. The base image can be changed using the BASE_IMAGE build argument. e.g.

docker build --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=ubuntu:18.04 -t wss-remediate:21.5.1 wss-remediate/docker

3. Using a Docker Registry

If you are using a private Docker Registry, run the following commands to push the images into your registry:

docker push <registry>/wss-bb-app:<version>
docker push <registry>/wss-scanner:<version>
docker push <registry>/wss-remediate:<version>

# For example:
docker push my-registry/wss-bb-app:
docker push my-registry/wss-scanner:
docker push my-registry/wss-remediate:19.8.1

After executing the commands, you should be able to view the images in your registry.

Target Machine: Run the Containers

Deploying Using Docker

On the target environment, create a directory (e.g., ‘<path/to/config/dir>’) and add to it the configuration properties JSON file (prop.json) that you previously edited and exported using the Configuration Editor.
Then, you will need to create a network bridge and run the following Docker containers by using Docker or Kubernetes.

Create a network bridge (this will create a private network between the different containers, since all containers need to run within the same network):

docker network create -d bridge my_bridge

Run the ‘wss-remediate’ server container:

docker run --name remediate-server --network my_bridge -e LOG_LEVEL=debug -p 8080:8080 -v <path/to/config/directory>/prop.json:/etc/usr/local/whitesource/conf/prop.json -v /tmp:/tmp wss-remediate:<version>

# For example:
docker run --name remediate-server --network my_bridge -e LOG_LEVEL=debug -p 8080:8080 -v c:/tmp/bb/prop.json:/etc/usr/local/whitesource/conf/prop.json -v /tmp:/tmp wss-remediate:19.5.1

Changing Remediate Server Port

If port 8080 is not available, you can use a different port by modifying only the second port in the 'docker run' command. For example:

docker run --name remediate-server --network my_bridge -e LOG_LEVEL=debug -p 8082:8080 -v c:/tmp/bb/prop.json:/etc/usr/local/whitesource/conf/prop.json -v /tmp:/tmp wss-remediate:19.5.1

Run the 'wss-bb-app' app container:

docker run --name wss-bb-app --network my_bridge -p 9494:9494 -p 5678:5678 -v <path/to/config/directory>:/etc/usr/local/whitesource/conf wss-bb-app:<version>

# For example:
docker run --name wss-bb-app --network my_bridge -p 9494:9494 -p 5678:5678 -v c:/tmp/bb/:/etc/usr/local/whitesource/conf/ wss-bb-app:

Run the ‘wss-scanner’ scanner container:

docker run --name wss-scanner-bb --restart=always --network my_bridge -p 9393:9393 -v <path/to/config/directory>:/etc/usr/local/whitesource/conf/ wss-scanner:<version>

# For example:
docker run --name wss-scanner-bb --restart=always --network my_bridge -p 9393:9393 -v c:/tmp/bb/:/etc/usr/local/whitesource/conf/ wss-scanner:

Deploying Using Helm Charts

The wss-deployment folder consists of the following structure:

Copy the helm folder from wss-deployment to your target environment. Inside the helm/configs folder, add the configuration properties JSON file (prop.json) that you previously edited and exported using the Configuration Editor.


This file contains information about the chart.

NOTE: Do not edit this file.


This file represents the WhiteSource integration image names and versions.

  image: {image}
  version: {version}

  image: {image}
  version: {version}

  image: {image}
  version: {version}

For each image declaration (wssscanner, wsscontroller, wssremediate), replace {image} and {version} with the actual built image name and version.  NOTE: For wsscontroller, use the name and version of the wss-bb-app image.

An optional parameter, imagePullSecrets, can be added to this file in case Docker repository authentication is required.


In the helm folder, create a new folder named configs, and add to it the configuration properties JSON file (prop.json) that you previously edited and exported using the Configuration Editor.


This is a configuration file pointing to the configs/prop.json file.

NOTE: Do not edit this file.


This is a configuration file containing all the parameters for deploying the integration.

NOTE: In this file, there are 3 dashes ("- - - ") that separate the services  Do not remove them.

In order for the webhook URL to be accessible publicly by the integration, a load balancer service must be added to the file. An example of such a service is provided below:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: lb1
  namespace: acme
  annotations: http "443" "ELBSecurityPolicy-TLS-1-2-2017-01" arn:aws:acm:us-east-7:834027593108:certificate/4720e07a-a231-4fd5-9c4a-12ab1450567d
  type: LoadBalancer
  - port: 443
    name: https
    targetPort: 5678
    app: wss-controller

Activating the WhiteSource Integration

If the wss-bb-app webhook URL changes, then you will need to re-validate the activation key by performing step 2 again.

  1. Go to the Bitbucket server UI > Administration page > WhiteSource Integration tab (Link:<your/bitbucket-server/url>:<port>/plugins/servlet/whitesource/configure).

  2. Copy the activation key and paste it into the Activation key field, and then click Validate.

  3. If you are integrating multiple repositories and want to apply global configurations, refer here before continuing in this procedure.

  4. Select one of the following options:

  5. The project admin must do the following:

    1. Go to the project page of any integrated project (see above).

    2. Go to the Project settings page.

    3. In the navigation pane, under Workflow, click WhiteSource Integration.

    4. Select one of the following options:

      • All repositories: (default) Integrate all the (current and future) repositories inside the Bitbucket instance.

      • Selected repositories only: Select specific repositories that you would like to integrate with WhiteSource.
        NOTE: Only a user with Admin or Write permissions on a selected repository will be able to access the WhiteSource Integration tab inside the repository page.

  6. Click Save. Unless specified otherwise via the global configuration, an onboarding pull request is created for the selected repositories. This request contains a WhiteSource configuration file (.whitesource) that can be customized before merging the pull request. The initial PR must be merged to the base branch first. This will then initiate the installation and start the first scan. You can then define further settings (like selected branches) in the .whitesource file.


WhiteSource Remediate provides continuous automated dependency updates, saving time and reducing your security risks. To read more and configure automated Pull Requests, see WhiteSource Remediate

Initiating a Scan

A WhiteSource scan is initiated via a valid Bitbucket push command. A valid push command meets at least one of the following requirements:

NOTE: a push command may consist of multiple commits.

Inventory post-scan

WhiteSource continuously researches new vulnerabilities and updates its vulnerability database with these findings. In order that these newly-discovered vulnerabilities be reflected in projects a soon as possible, WhiteSource initiates a post-scan process for all integrated projects at 01:00 UTC and opens new issues for vulnerabilities that were added to the database in the previous 24 hours.

This is an automated procedure, and no action from the user is required.

Viewing Details of the Scan

Results can be viewed in the following places:

Viewing Details of an Issue

See here for more information.

Viewing WhiteSource Security Checks

In the Commits tab you can view the status and results of each scan. Click a specific build icon in order to view the Builds page.

Types of Indicators

The following build status indicators are available as feedback on the head commits:

Samples of Status Check Indicators

In Progress

The following is a sample of a In Progress status, which indicates that the security check is currently scanning the head commit.


When no vulnerabilities are found and no errors occurred during the scan, WhiteSource will display the following status check, and a security report indicating that no vulnerabilities were detected:


Viewing WhiteSource License Checks 

In the Commits tab you can view the status and results of each scan. Click a specific build icon in order to view the Builds page.

Types of Indicators

The following build status indicators are available as feedback on the head commits:

Viewing Details in the WhiteSource UI

Accessing Scan Statistics via API

See here for more information.

Health Check APIs

See here for more information.

The .whitesource File

A WhiteSource configuration file (.whitesource) is a JSON file added to each repository that is enabled for a scan. It provides configurable parameters for the WhiteSource scan.

The .whitesource file is only added in the default branch of the repository (unless modified, it is the master branch).

.whitesource file
  "scanSettings": {
    "configMode": "AUTO",
	"configExternalURL": "",
    "projectToken": "",
	"baseBranches": []
  "buildSettings": {
    "displayMode": "diff",
	"failBuilds": true
  "issueSettings": {
    "minSeverityLevel": "LOW"


Global Settings








When the global configuration is enabled, this parameter will specify the location of the whitesource-config repository from which it will inherit its configuration. It must contain the Bitbucket user name, repository name and branch (optional) of the repo-config.json file location. The default branch is 'master', but can be modified according to the location of the repo-config.json file in the whitesource-config repo. 

NOTE: You can override specific parameters that are relevant only in the specific repository by adding these after this parameter.


Using only values defined in the global configuration:

"settingsInheritedFrom": "whitesource-config/whitesource-config@master"

Using values defined in the global configuration and overriding the scan settings parameters:

"settingsInheritedFrom": "whitesource-config/whitesource-config@master", 
"scanSettings": {
  "projectToken": "12345",
  "baseBranches": ["master","integration"]



Scan Settings (scanSettings)








The configuration mode to be used for each scan. There are three options:

  • AUTO - Automatic mode. This will use the default WhiteSource configuration. 

  • LOCAL - Local mode. This will look for a local 'whitesource.config' file to be provided in the root folder of the current repository. The configuration file should be in the same format as the Unified Agent configuration file.  NOTE: Not supported in the Global Configuration.

  • EXTERNAL - External mode. This will look for a configuration file specified according to the configExternalURL parameter. 





The URL of the external configuration file (you can choose any filename). The configuration file content should be in the same format as the Unified Agent configuration file.

The following protocols are supported: 'ftp://', 'http://', 'https://'.

For example: ''

NOTE: This parameter is relevant only if configMode was set to EXTERNAL.





Adds the ability to map a Bitbucket repository to a WhiteSource project. The parameter used needs to be the WhiteSource project token.

NOTE: Not supported in the Global Configuration.





Adds the ability to specify one or more base branches for which scanning results will be sent to a new WhiteSource project.

Example usage: ["master", “integration"]

This will set both master and integration branches as base branches.

Note the following:

  • An Issue will only be created for the specified branch names.

  • Repositories which do not contain the baseBranches parameter will have issues generated for all branches.

  • For each specified branch, a WhiteSource project will be created. The name of the project will contain a suffix "_branchname". For example, MyApp_dev. This suffix will not apply to the default branch.

NOTE: This parameter is available only from version 20.7.1.



In this case, the base branch only consists of the default branch.



When enabled, a new WhiteSource License Check will be generated for each valid push.


  • This parameter is available only from version 20.11.2.

  • You must have it least one policy of match type By License Group defined with a Reject action in the WhiteSource UI.

  • The policy name in the WhiteSource UI must start with a "[License] " prefix.
    For example, "[License] PolicyName".



Build Settings (buildSettings)








How to display WhiteSource security information for a scan performed on a non-base branch:

  • When set to diff - Only the diff of detected vulnerabilities between the current commit and its base branch commit will be displayed. NOTE: This value is only supported when using the baseBranches configuration.

  • When set to baseline - A summary of all detected vulnerabilities in the full repository inventory will be displayed.





The app can provide checks in commits and pull requests on any repository branch. This parameter defines whether WhiteSource Security Check is going to run. If set to false it will not be initiated.





The app provides checks in commits and pull requests on any repository branch. This parameter defines the conclusion status for when a WhiteSource Security Check is completed. 

When the parameter is set to false, the conclusion status of a WhiteSource Security Check will always be 'Success', even if the check fails. This way, any repository member is able to merge a pull request, even if a WhiteSource Security Check found security vulnerabilities.

When the parameter is set to true (default), the conclusion status of a WhiteSource Security Check will be 'Failure' in cases where WhiteSource Security Check found security vulnerabilities or an error occurred during the scan. When this configuration is defined, a policy for approving a pull request is enforced. In this setting, only the administrator of the repository can approve the merging of a pull request that contains one or more checks with a 'Failure' status.





The app provides checks in commits and pull requests on any repository branch. This parameter defines the conclusion status for when a WhiteSource License Check is completed. 

When the parameter is set to false, the conclusion status of a WhiteSource License Check will always be 'Success', even if the check fails. This way, any repository member is able to merge a pull request, even if a WhiteSource License Check found license policy violations.

When the parameter is set to true (default), the conclusion status of a WhiteSource License Check will be 'Failure' in cases where WhiteSource License Check found license policy violations or an error occurred during the scan. When this configuration is defined, a policy for approving a pull request is enforced. In this setting, only the administrator of the repository can approve the merging of a pull request that contains one or more checks with a 'Failure' status.





Whether to show additional WhiteSource information such as the project token inside the WhiteSource Build Status (after the scan token).

WhiteSource information is only displayed if the commit originated from a base branch.
If the commit exists in multiple branches, the WhiteSource information displayed will only represent the origin base branch (i.e. where the baseBranches parameter was defined).

The following hidden JSON object will also be added inside the Build Status when this parameter is enabled:

<!-- <INFO>{"projectToken":"8cd2d2a8651145c087609e0a43f783e95f7008cb908541498348fed529572e01"}</INFO> -->

NOTE: Additional WhiteSource data may be added inside the JSON object in the future.



Issue Settings (issueSettings)








Enables users to decide whether to open a new Issue only if a certain severity level is available on a detected vulnerability.

Available values for minSeverityLevel:

  • NONE - No Issues will be generated.

  • LOW - Any Low/Medium/High vulnerabilities found will generate an Issue.

  • MEDIUM - Any Medium/High vulnerabilities found will generate an Issue.

  • HIGH - Any High vulnerabilities found will generate an Issue.

NOTE: The WhiteSource Security Check summary is also affected by this parameter.





Whether to generate an Issue for every detected license policy violation.

NOTE: This parameter is relevant only if enableLicenseViolations (scanSettings) is set to true.



(only if enableLicenseViolations (scanSettings) is set to true)

Remediate Settings (remediateSettings)








When enabled, Remediate will raise automated Pull Requests for outdated dependencies in addition to Pull Requests remediating vulnerable dependencies. Remediate will then perform all the functionality and support all the configuration options available in WhiteSource Renovate.

See Renovate configuration options for all configuration options.

Refer here for parameter usage.





Whether to enable transitive remediation for NPM repos.

When npm v6 (npm v7 is not currently supported) is used with a package-lock.json file, and vulnerabilities are found within transitive dependencies in the file, then in most cases Remediate is able to successfully remediate the vulnerability. Sometimes it may not be possible to successfully remediate because a parent dependency does not yet have a new release that allows the necessary fixed-in version of the transitive dependency.





This parameter is used to specify the rules that regulate when to open remediation pull requests.

Usage examples:

   "remediateSettings": {
    "workflowRules": {
      "enabled": true,
      "minVulnerabilitySeverity": "LOW"
   "remediateSettings": {
    "workflowRules": {
      "enabled": true,
        "minVulnerabilityScore": 1.5,
        "maxVulnerabilityScore": 10


    "workflowRules": {       
      "enabled": true    



Enables Workflow Rules being set from a .whitesource file.

Note: workflow rules can also be set in the WhiteSource application in the Admin → Integration Workflow Rules. But if this parameter is set to true then Workflow Rules from the application are not being used.





The minimal vulnerability severity level to automatically create remediation pull requests for. Allowed values - "LOW", "MEDIUM", "HIGH".

E.g. if set to "MEDIUM" then remediation pull requests of vulnerabilities with low severity will not be created - only for those with medium and high severity.

Note: if this parameter is used together with minVulnerabilityScore and maxVulnerabilityScore than only minVulnerabilitySeverity will have affect.





The minimal vulnerability CVSS 3 score to automatically create remediation pull requests for. Allowed values - floats with one decimal from 0 to 10.

For more information on CVSS 3 Scores, click here.

Note: if this parameter is used together with minVulnerabilitySeverity it will not have any effect.





The maximal vulnerability CVSS 3 score to automatically create remediation pull requests for. Allowed values - floats with one decimal from 0 to 10.

For more information on CVSS 3 Scores, click here.

Note: if this parameter is used together with minVulnerabilitySeverity it will not have any effect.



Private Registry Settings (hostRules)








Defines where the credentials will be applied during the scan.

If you want to apply credentials only for a nested path within a host, then write matchHost as a base URL.
For example:

If the same credentials apply to all paths on a host and not on any subdomains, configure matchHost with a protocol like

Finally, to apply credentials to all hosts within the domain, use a matchHost value with no https:// prefix, e.g. or, both of which would apply to a host like





Type of private registry. Supported values: npm (for both NPM and Yarn projects), maven, gradle, pypi, go.





Used when credentials consist of username and password.





Used when credentials consist of username and password, should be encrypted by this instruction.

Encrypted secret that will be applied as a credential to the host set in the matchHost parameter. Must be included inside the encrypted parameter:

      "encrypted": {
        "password": "3f832f2983yf89hsd98ahadsjfasdfjaslf............"





Used when credentials consist of username and password, should be encrypted by this instruction.

Encrypted secret that will be applied as a credential to the host set in the matchHost parameter. Must be included inside the encrypted parameter:

      "encrypted": {
        "token": "3f832f2983yf89hsd98ahadsjfasdfjaslf............"



Providing a Global Configuration File

NOTE: Supported from version only.

You can provide a custom .whitesource configuration file as part of the wss-bb-app container, in order to apply it globally to all of your organization's repositories. Doing so will apply the file to all onboarding pull requests for newly-selected repos. Repos which were already selected and activated before this change will not be affected by this global configuration. Only newly onboarded repos will be affected. 

To apply this global change, do as follows:

  1. Stop the wss-bb-app container.

  2. In the "wss-bb-app/conf" folder, add your custom “.whitesource” file (where the prop.json file is located).

  3. Start the  wss-bb-app container.

Configuration Error Issues

Alert the user on configuration errors that affect their scan, by creating a configuration error issue and build status. In case of such an error, do as follows:

  1. Stop the workflow. Do not create a scan or the WhiteSource Security build status.

  2. Create a “Configuration Failed” build status.

  3. For each config file that failed parsing, create a new type of issue, entitled Action Required: Fix WhiteSource Configuration File - {fileName}. If the error originated from the repo-config.json or global-config.json files, then the issue will be created in the whitesource-config repo.

Handled errors:

Upgrading to the Latest Docker Images

  1. Get the latest WhiteSource for Bitbucket Server version from WhiteSource Support.

  2. Upload the new WhiteSource Bitbucket add-on by following the guidelines here

  3. Build these three Docker images from the new version - see here.

  4. Stop currently-running Docker containers from the previous version:

    docker stop <wss-bb-app> <wss-scanner> <remediate-server>

  5. Remove the Docker containers from the previous version:

    docker rm <wss-bb-app> <wss-scanner> <remediate-server>

  6. Fetch the activation key from the existing prop.json file (the propertyValue associated to the property "bolt.op.activation.key") and copy it to the clipboard.

  7. Generate and save the new prop.json file by following the steps here and using the activation key value that was just copied. 

  8. Run the containers - see here.

  9. (Optional) If the new wss-bb-app container has a different URL than the previous container, then follow the guidelines here to update the Bitbucket webhook URL.

Triggering a New Scan in Bitbucket

A scan is initiated via a valid 'push' command. A valid 'push' command meets at least one of the following requirements:

Each time a valid 'push' command is made for a repository, WhiteSource initiates a scan.

NOTE: The 'push' command may include multiple commits.

Handling Private Registries and Authenticated Repositories

Private registries hosted on any platfrom that can be accessed with credentials are supported (Nexus, Artifactory, JFrog, etc.)

Supported languages and package managers:

In order to scan dependencies from private registries and authenticated repositories, WhiteSource must be provided with credentials, such as an NPM token. These credentials must be added as encrypted secrets to the .whitesource file, either per-repository or in the shared global config, if the secret scope is org-wide.

Сreate the encrypted secrets. Each secret you encrypt must be scoped to a Bitbucket org or repo and use of it will be restricted to those within the app.

  1. Use GPG to generate a PGP Key. Use the command gpg --full-generate-key and follow the prompts to generate a key. Please note that at this time we do not support using a passphrase for decryption, so it is best to generate the keys without a passphrase. Name and email are not important.

    1. Copy the key ID from the output or run gpg --list-secret-keys if you forgot to take a copy. This is your public key.

    2. Run gpg --armor --export-secret-keys YOUR_NEW_KEY_ID > ws-private-key.asc to generate an armored (text-based) private key file

    3. Run gpg --armor --export YOUR_NEW_KEY_ID > ws-public-key.asc to generate an armored (text-based) public key file

  2. Provide the private key to the Controller, Remediate, and Scanner with environmental variable (learn more about environmental variables in the Advanced Technical Information documentation). There are two options for how to do it, but only one option should be used.

    1. WS_HOST_RULES_PRIVATE_KEY - the value of the private key itself.

    2. WS_HOST_RULES_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE_PATH - path to the file containing the private key. This file should be mapped to the running containers.

  3. Open index-enterprise.html in your favorite editor.

  4. Find and replace the text "COPY_YOUR_PUBLIC_PGP_KEY_HERE" with your newly generated public key and save the file.
    const publicKeyString = `COPY_YOUR_PUBLIC_PGP_KEY_HERE`;

  5. After the secret is created, please add it to the hostRules parameter of the .whitesource file.

Example of hostRules:

  "hostRules": [
      "matchHost": "",
      "hostType": "npm",
      "encrypted": {
        "token": "3f832f2983yf89hsd98ahadsjfasdfjaslf............"
      "matchHost": "",
      "hostType": "maven",
      "username": "bot1",
      "encrypted": {
        "password": "p278djfdsi9832jnfdshufwji2r389fdskj........."



You can easily uninstall this add-on by doing the following:

  1. Go to the 'Administration’ page of your Bitbucket Server interface, and click on ‘Manage apps’ of the Add Ons section.

Select the WhiteSource Integration app, and click on the ‘Uninstall’ button.