
This scanning mode targets a single application and project folder in order to find effective open source vulnerabilities within your project.


Supported Platforms

Supported Languages


Supported Environments


Java (including Scala and Kotlin)

Oracle JDK (8 or 11)
OpenJDK (8 or 11)
Zulu JDK (8 or 11)
Amazon Corretto (8 or 11) 

  • If the scanned project is in JDK8, it is possible to use either Java 8 or Java 11 for the Prioritize scan. If the scanned project is in JDK11, the Prioritize scan must also run with Java 11.0.2 or above in JDK11 (LTS versions only).

  • Project profiles: Maven, Gradle, POJO (Project without Package Manager)

  • Supported analysis targets: .jar, .war, .ear 

JavaScript (Node.JS server-side only)

Node.JS (npm & yarn package managers)

  • Supported analysis target: package.json

  • NodeJS project should have a main entry specified by an existing index.js file or defined in package.json


Projects with pip dependency manager in Python 3.5-3.8, or Python 2.7

Analysis is supported for Python projects with either a single requirements.txt file (pip format, with explicit references to PyPI) or a setup.py file.

  • Prior to analysis, all project and dependency .py files should be parsed without syntax errors.

  • Analysis is currently not supported for multi-module projects, or for frameworks

  • Analysis is supported for Python as a single-language project

  • Analysis is supported only for dependencies containing code in py files (dummy packages that only reference to other dependencies are not supported, binary python file like .so are not supported as well).

  • For analysis, the pip version (python.pipPath as specified in the Unified Agent configuration file) should be compliant with the Python version (python.path as specified in the Unified Agent configuration file) deployed on the relevant machine (i.e., the output of the following commands must be the same: [1] python -m pip –version [2] pip –version)

  • For analysis, any Python virtual environment (i.e., folder) must not be located under the folder that is being examined by EUA (i.e., referenced via the -d parameter)


.NET Core 3.0 or 3.1 (LTS)

  • Scanned C# project: Any LTS version of .NET Core or .NET Framework (single module & single language C# projects).

  • Prioritize supports NuGet projects (csproj-based and packages.config)

    • NuGet project with packages.config will be supported only when Nuget version 5.4 and above is used.

  • Prioritize requires that the csproj uses "PackageReference", "ProjectReference" or "Reference" dependencies.

    • The Unified Agent will ignore the "Condition" in "ItemGroup" and will bring the dependencies under that "ItemGroup" (whether or not the "Condition" holds)

    • The Unified Agent will ignore "IncludeAssets", "ExcludeAssets" and "PrivateAssets" and will bring the corresponding "PackageReference" and its dependencies

Configuring WhiteSource Prioritize Parameters

The following parameters must be set in the Unified Agent configuration file (wss-unified-agent.config). Refer here for additional documentation regarding the Unified Agent configuration parameters.








Activate the analysis module within the Unified Agent scan.







Edit the resolveAllDependencies parameter to specify that all resolvers should be disabled, and only the specific resolver should be enabled. By default it is set to True, whereas for WhiteSource Prioritize scans it must be False.

Parameters for Java-based Projects

The following parameters must be set according to project’s package manager:

Package Manager



  • fileSystemScan=False

  • maven.resolveDependencies=True

  • maven.aggregateModules=True (False by default)

  • maven.downloadMissingDependencies=False (True by default)

    • It is recommended to download all the dependencies to the local repository before a Prioritize scan.

In case the local Maven cache folder is different than its default, it should also be set in the following parameter

  • maven.m2RepositoryPath


  • fileSystemScan=False

  • gradle.resolveDependencies=True

  • gradle.aggregateModules=True (False by default)

  • gradle.downloadMissingDependencies=False (True by default)

    • It is recommended to download all the dependencies to the local repository before Prioritize scan.

In case the local Gradle cache folder is different than its default it should be set in the following parameter as well:

  • gradle.localRepositoryPath

POJO (without Package Manager)

  • fileSystemScan=true (default value)

  • includes=**/*.jar

In case of scanning Java project without a package manager the /wiki/spaces/WD/pages/1525383269 -iaLanguage should be set to Java

Parameters for JavaScript-based Projects

The following are additional settings required by WhiteSource Prioritize for JavaScript-based projects:

In case of a Yarn based project, the following flag should be set:

Parameters for Python-based Projects

In order to include only dependencies resolved by Python Package manager, the following parameter should be set before scanning Python Projects.

The following are settings that impact WhiteSource Prioritize for Python-based projects with their default values. A detailed description of these parameters and their defaults is available in the Unified Agent Configuration Parameter documentation). Unless needed for a specific environment customization, these parameters must remain with their default values.

Parameters for C#-based Projects

The following are additional settings required by WhiteSource Prioritize for C#-based projects:

The following parameters must be set according to a project’s dependencies reference:

Dependencies Reference Method


PackageReference (csproj based with assets.json)

  • nuget.resolveAssetsFiles=True

  • nuget.resolvePackagesConfigFiles=False

packages.config based (csproj and packages.config)

  • nuget.resolveAssetsFiles=False

  • nuget.resolvePackagesConfigFiles=True

Combined (default)

  • nuget.resolveAssetsFiles=True

  • nuget.resolvePackagesConfigFiles=True

Preparing the Project Package


mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true install


npm install



pip install -r requirements.txt

Running the Unified Agent

Specify the command line used to analyze a given Project with the following parameters:


Specify the command line used to analyze a given Project as described in the figure above.

java -jar /UA-Agent/wss-unified-agent.jar -c /UA-Agent/wss-unified-agent.config -appPath /projectFolder/project.jar -d /projectFolder

Fast Scan Mode

By default, the analysis mode of WhiteSource Prioritize is Precise Scan. For Java Projects, there is an option to choose Fast Scan mode that will retrieve results in a shorter time, with the same level of shields accuracy but with less granular traces (for red shields, such traces will have a label induction in the results view). This can be done by adding the following optional parameter to the Java command line:

-euaMode 1


Specify the command line used to analyze a given Project:

java -jar /UA-Agent/wss-unified-agent.jar -c /UA-Agent/wss-unified-agent.config -appPath /projectFolder/package.json -d /projectFolder


Specify the command line used to analyze a given Project:

java -jar /UA-Agent/wss-unified-agent.jar -c /UA-Agent/wss-unified-agent.config -appPath /projectFolder/requirements.txt -d /projectFolder


Specify the command line used to analyze a given Project:

java -jar /UA-Agent/wss-unified-agent.jar -c /UA-Agent/wss-unified-agent.config -appPath /projectfolder/bin/Debug/netcoreapp3.1/project.dll -d /projectFolder

Performance Optimization Tips (for all modes & languages)


Examining Analysis Exit Codes

The analysis will display the following EUA code at successful completion: [EUA000] Analysis completed successfully.

If the analysis reports an exit code other than [EUA000], the Unified Agent returns a [-100] exit code. Depending on conditions encountered during analysis, alternative exit codes may be displayed at completion - refer here for more details.