
WhiteSource reporting capabilities provide enhanced security operations and regulatory compliance by providing reports on security vulnerabilities and alerts, detailed compliance information, library licenses information and implications, various risk factors, and much more.

You can customize certain reports to suit your own requirements by:

Defining the Scope of Reports

By default, all reports allow you to view data at the organizational-level scope; most reports also support viewing data at the product-level and project-level scope.

Filtering Reports

Reports can be filtered according to the report properties which are displayed as column headings in the report table. 

Performing Actions on Reports

Some reports allow you to perform actions on them - for example, assign licenses to or set custom attributes for libraries. You can perform actions on one selected row, multiple selected rows, or all the rows in a report table.

Exporting Reports

Most reports can be exported to Excel and XML (some reports also support export to HTML or JSON formats).

Exported reports reflect the selected scope (Organization, Product, or Project) and the defined filters.

Example of an Excel Report

Following is an example of an Alerts Report in Excel (xlsx) format:

Example of an XML Report

Following is an example of a Change Log History Report in XML format: 

Example of a JSON Report

Following is an example of an Alerts Report in JSON format: 

Available Reports

The following reports are available in your WhiteSource dashboard; they are described in detail in the subsequent pages: