
WhiteSource serverless integration enables you to scan and monitor deployed Lambda functions. Once a scan is initiated, WhiteSource automatically identifies all the open source components and dependencies. It then checks it against the definitive database of open source repositories, for security vulnerabilities and licenses. Once detected, you can apply automatic policies, define workflows and collaborate the information within your team.


Scan Lambda Functions

Serverless Lambda integrates with the Unified agent. To get started with the Unified Agent, click here.

To scan your Lambda functions, simply use the following parameters:

serverless.providerStringName of the provider for serverless integrationyesaws-lambda
serverless.scanFunctionsBooleanEnables/Disables the scan functionsyesfalse
serverless.functionNamesStringThe function names that you would like to scan. yesempty list
serverless.regionStringThe region where your functions are deployed yes
serverless.maxFunctionsIntegerMaximum functions for scanningyes10

The results are displayed on the WhiteSource GUI: