Versions Compared


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Supported Platforms

  • Linux Ubuntu 18

  • Microsoft Windows (Windows Server 2016; or Windows 10) 

  • Linux Ubuntu

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (with an installation of java-11-openjdk-devel)

Supported Languages


Supported Environments


Java (including Scala and Kotlin)

Oracle JDK (8 or 11)
OpenJDK (8 or 11)
Zulu JDK (8 or 11)
Amazon Corretto (8 or 11) 

  • If the scanned project is in JDK8, it is possible to use either Java 8 or Java 11 for the Prioritize scan. If the scanned project is in JDK11, the Prioritize scan must also run with Java 11.0.2 or above in JDK11 (LTS versions only).

  • Project profiles: Maven, Gradle, POJO (Project without Package Manager)

  • Supported analysis targets: .jar, .war, .ear 

JavaScript (Node.JS server-side only)

Node.JS (npm & yarn package managers)

  • Supported analysis target: package.json

  • NodeJS project should have a main entry specified by an existing index.js file or defined in package.json


Projects with pip dependency manager in Python 3.5-3.8, or Python 2.7

Analysis is supported for Python projects with either a single requirements.txt file (pip format, with explicit references to PyPI) or a file.

  • Prior to analysis, all project and dependency .py files should be parsed without syntax errors.

  • Analysis is currently not supported for multi-module projects, or for frameworks

  • Analysis is supported for Python as a single-language project

  • Analysis is supported only for dependencies containing code (dummy packages that only reference to other dependencies are not supported).

  • For analysis, the pip version (python.pipPath as specified in the Unified Agent configuration file) should be compliant with the Python version (python.path as specified in the Unified Agent configuration file) deployed on the relevant machine (i.e., the output of the following commands must be the same: [1] python -m pip –version [2] pip –version)

  • For analysis, any Python virtual environment (i.e., folder) must not be located under the folder that is being examined by EUA (i.e., referenced via the -d parameter)


.NET Core 3.0 or 3.1 (LTS)

  • Scanned C# project: Any LTS version of .NET Core or .NET Framework (single module & single language C# projects).

  • Prioritize supports NuGet projects (csproj-based and packages.config)

    • NuGet project with packages.config will be supported only when Nuget version 5.4 and above is used.

  • Prioritize requires that the csproj uses "PackageReference", "ProjectReference" or "Reference" dependencies.

    • The Unified Agent will ignore the "Condition" in "ItemGroup" and will bring the dependencies under that "ItemGroup" (whether or not the "Condition" holds)

    • The Unified Agent will ignore "IncludeAssets", "ExcludeAssets" and "PrivateAssets" and will bring the corresponding "PackageReference" and its dependencies
